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Cinnamon Green Tea with Brown Rice

Place of Origin: Cinnamon / Indian Brown Rice Stem Tea / Shimada, Shizuoka

Cinnamon and brown rice are blended using only tea stems. The refreshing sweetness of stem tea, the scent of cinnamon, and the fragrance of brown rice are in harmony.

Recommended for the following moods and physical conditions: Mental and physical fatigue, feeling gloomy, or decreased energy.

Roasted Tea with Ume

Place of Origin: Ume plum / Wakayama Houjicha / Kanaya, Shizuoka

Hojicha is blended with dried plums. The aroma of Hojicha and the sourness of plum are well-balanced and addictive.

Recommended for the following moods and physical conditions: Mental and physical fatigue, overeating, feeling cold, or swelling

Shizuoka Black Tea

Place of Origin: Kawane, Shizuoka

Japanese black tea made in Kawane, Shizuoka. It is characterized by its freshness and gentle sweetness. It has a mild taste.

Recommended for the following moods and physical conditions: Sleepiness, feeling hungover,, physical fatigue, or low motivation.

Black Sesame Green Tea

Place of Origin: Black sesame seeds / Kagawa Sencha / Kanaya, Shizuoka

Blend roasted black sesame into sencha tea. It is characterized by the aroma of black sesame and the refreshing sweetness of sencha.

Recommended for the following moods and physical conditions: Body fatigue, feeling gloomy, overeating, or malnutrition.

Superior Tea

Place of Origin: Kanaya, Shizuoka

A tea made by carefully roasting Sencha tea over high heat. It has just the right amount of acidand richness inherent in tea, making it a satisfying drink. It goes well with meals and is delicious even with ice cream.

Recommended for the following moods and physical conditions: Feeling hungover, decreased energy, sleepiness, or lethargic.